Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

I kind of cheated yesterday. I did really well until the afternoon. It was SOO hot yesterday so we went to Target to get ICEE's. I asked for a medium, but they were out of medium cups, so the nice old man said "I'll give you a large for the price of a medium". Of course, I couldn't resist that so I downed that sucka.

Then after dinner it was so hot that my husband sent me to Target to get a fan. I was soo hot so I thought to myself "I'll just get a small ICEE just to cool off". Then I figured, "Hey, while I'm at it I might as well get two chocolate chip cookies!"

So I felt pretty guilty about that. But I resisted the urge to snack and continue stuffing myself the rest of the night.

And I must've done something right, because I lost 2 lbs.

Monday, April 20, 2009

my demand

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

I would like to weigh 145 RIGHT NOW

All the reasons why

Notice how in the post below this one that I look pregnant? I noticed. Well guess what.....I'm not pregnant. I did have a baby two years ago. But I don't think what you're seeing in that picture has anything to do with pregnancy. Especially because exactly one year ago I weighed 20 pounds less than I weigh right now.

Chalk it up to stress, depression, not having a gym membership...........whatever. I think the culprit is laziness and giving in to my compulsions.

It all ends here though. Because seriously, now that I'm this size, even the yummiest treat doesn't taste as good anymore.

I'm off to a good start. I had a healthy breakfast. Bran Flakes and a 1/2 cup of 1% milk. I had a snack of 8 Wheatables, 1 string cheese, and 4 slices of turkey breast lunch meat. I've also had tons of water today.

I have to remind myself to not go running to the food when ever I get bored. That's been a bad habit of mine my whole life. I need to get better at keeping myself busy.

pounding my head against the wall

Weight: 176.5 (The most I've ever weighed while not pregnant)

So, this is me. You never realize how fat you are until you get into skin tight clothes and take a picture of yourself. I'll do this every week on Monday. I like to see the progression of things. Being a busy lady, I can't write much right now. But I will probably update this daily, if not throughout the day to track my eating and exercise.